

We want to welcome you to our blog - Flowing Creeks to Frozen Peaks! We're a newly married couple in our middle 20's looking to explore our world beyond the cubicles and mundane routines we seem to get stuck in. We currently live in St. Paul, Minnesota which gives us a great reach to all the surrounding states and national parks.

This Blog is about starting small and working our way outwards of Minnesota, just like you would to train for a long hike. With all the options from state parks to national hiking trails it can easily become overwhelming to know how and where to begin. We look forward to outlining different hikes and areas that we find with simple-to-navigate directions and explanations as well as our personal opinions and tips that have worked while on the trail.

Flowing Creek to Frozen Peak is the saying we came up with to describe what we wish to accomplish. We want to find trails, campsites, activities, and places to explore around the Twin Cities and surrounding areas of Minnesota through all four seasons from snowshoeing Afton Alps State Park to backpacking the Superior Hiking Trail.

We're no experts but here's a little about us.

Blake: Is a former Marine with plenty of tips and stories to share. From hiking all over California, Utah, Nevada, and a few deserts it's acceptable to say he's the more experienced. Combining his knowledge of technical and survivor skills with his love for the north woods he will explore necessary gear and tips to avoid unwanted experiences while along the trail.

Maurina: Worked and traversed the YMCA of the Rockies by hiking countless mountains, trails, and snowy terrain. She's excited to survey different types of apparel and equipment designed for women as well as show different ways to stay active on and off the trail.

Together: We believe we're building our love by sharing in activities we both enjoy. Hiking is a wonderful way to connect with your spouse or family by spending many hours together through experiencing nature and everything it has to offer. It builds character, relationships, mental and physical strength through different situations all good and bad.

If you have any questions or comments please email us at flowingcreektofrozenpeak@gmail.com or leave a comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Other ways to connect:

Follow us on Twitter @CreektoPeak
Follow us on Pinterest at CreektoPeak

Thank you!

Go breathe the wild air!

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