
How We Grade

 With all of the reviews out there help is never very far away or, conversely, there is never more murky advice to sift through as you make a decision that could leave you out in the cold, literally.

    Here at Flowing Creeks to Frozen Peaks (FCFP), Blake and Maurina will give a man and woman's perspective while including an elaborate list of functional and practical uses for the products. All of this will culminate into a realistic rating of the fail-safe 1-10 scale, 1 being the worst and 10 equaling the best, most recommended.

    FCFP always gives the benefit of doubt to the manufacturer that they want to make a quality product; however, we know that this does not mean a quality product was made. Blake and Maurina will scrupulously look at the affordability, warranty, practicality, weight consideration (for backpacking gear especially), and never forgetting the most important, durability.
    All of these factors will be brought into mind and applied to the CLAIMS OF THE PRODUCT. I cannot stress this last point enough. We here at Flowing Creeks to Frozen Peaks are not here to trash any products or company, rather we are here to keep products and companies honest to their claims. Therefore we will test and report back our impartial feedback of how the products did in their test trials and how they did in our expectations. We hope you gain the proper knowledge about the products from us and make an educated purchase.

Above is how we will visually grade things. These will be included on every review as a quick guide to what we thought about a product. 

See you on the trail! 

Go breathe the wild air!


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